OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 33

Occupational Safety and Hygiene for Disabled Employees
Useful links
The Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene
The Ministry of Economy, center for the integration of people with disabilities in the labor
The website of support centers for employers, on behalf of the center for the integration
of people with disabilities in the labor market:
The commission of equal rights for persons with disabilities, The Ministry of Justice:
The Israeli information store for assisting technology and support aids:
The Ministry of Welfare and Social Services, the rehabilitation division:
The Ministry of Health, the national division for rehabilitation and mobility instruments:
The National Insurance Institute:
The institute of low vision, Tel Aviv branch, Tel: 03-6880523
The institute of low vision, Beer Sheva branch, Tel: 08-6468426
2 For non-physical modification (training, qualification, etc.), which naturally last along the person’s working period,
the funding participation will be provided for one year only and subjected to the maximal sum stated in the regulations.
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