OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 29

Occupational Safety and Hygiene for Disabled Employees
The ‘employers’ support center’ of the center for the integration
of people with disabilities
The job of this center is to assist the employer with all relevant aspects of hiring disabled
employees and to enable quick professional procedures for the purpose of producing the
most benefit of their integration in the workplaces, by means of several service options
provided by the center while using tools that are provided by of the center for the integration
of people with disabilities for the benefit of the employers.
Telephone and internet information center
You can get information about employing disabled employees, the assistance tools of the
center for the integration of people with disabilities in the labor market (The Ministry of
Economy) and on manpower sources by which you can hire disabled employees. Additionally,
in order to make it easier for employers who are interested in using these tools, assistance
is provided for filling the relevant request forms.
Professional consultation
Specific consultation for the employers on every issue and question related to employment
of disabled people. This way provides the employers with professionals answering their
questions on the phone, by e-mail or meeting upon their choice.
Preparing a program fitting for the business and long-term
accompaniment (15 months)
In this program the employer who is interested in hiring or promoting disabled people will
get assistance and tight accompaniment by an account manager on behalf of this center.
This service includes:
Analysis of the business manpower needs and mapping its jobs;
Preparation of a recruiting and absorption program of disabled people in the chosen jobs;
Choosing the proper assistance tools offered by the center for the integration of people
with disabilities in the labor market, assistance with the submission of the assistance
request and its implementation;
Assistance in finding employees by means of turning to organizations that specialize in
the integration of disabled employees or by means of the website job offer table;
Accompaniment and training regarding all matters related with recruiting, absorbing
and employing disabled employees for the duration of 15 months;
This service is free of charge;
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