OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 30

Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene
1 This information is not replacing any regulations of the state funding participation for workplace modification, 2006.
Details for contact with the center:
Phone no.: 1700-50-76-76
The state participation in funding the workplace modifications
for disabled employees
The employer of disabled employees or one that is about to hire a disabled person may turn
to the center for the integration of people with disabilities in the labor market, asking for
the state participation in funding the necessary modifications of the workplace due to the
employee’s disability, his needs and characteristics. This way, the employee will be able to
perform his job and function like all other workers in the workplace.
The regulations practically enable the reduction of costs of workplace modifications fitting
the disabled employee’s needs for the employer, in order to make them equal to the cost
of employing other employees without disabilities.
The regulations for the state participation in funding the modifications have two main goals:
Enhancing the equality of employment opportunities in the labor market for the different
Increasing the employment rate of disabled people by means of assisting the employers
and reducing their costs when hiring disabled employees.
What is a modification?
A modification is an addition, change or accessory required for the disabled employees
beyond the necessities of non-disabled employees, so that they will be able to function on
a regular basis in the workplace like all the others.
For example, the state participated in funding a program for enlarging the text and
a larger screen for a programmer with eyesight disability. No funding participation
was approved for the computer itself, since any programmer, disabled or not, needs a
computer for his/her work.
The entitlement terms for the state participation in funding modifications are as following:
1. The requested modification should meet the disabled employee’s needs;
2. The employee must be employed for at least one third of a job for 12 months or more;
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