OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 32

Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene
The sums of state participation in modification funding
The sums of the state participation depend on the type of the request and the overall
number of employees in the workplace, as specified in the table on page 20. It is necessary
to make it clear than except for primary training for the employer, the employer is required
to participate in the funding of the modification according to the business size and the
type of the request.
The employer can submit the request for participation in larger funding (up to 60,000 NIS),
if he needs to implement land modifications for the employer with mobility disablement at
a rate of 75% or more, or due to computer equipment purchase for a blind employee who
has a ‘certificate of blindness’.
The state does not participate in funding of costs below 1000 NIS (except for the primary
training for the employee).
The state participation in funding is provided as a non-recourse loan upon the modification
implementation, and it becomes a grant a year later if the employer complies with the
conditions set by the regulations.
Participation sums set in the regulations, according to the employer’s business size:
State participation per employee and the employer’s part in the
modification cost, according to the number of employees in the business
Over 200 employees
26-200 employees
Up to 25 employees
Up to 3000 NIS per employee or 95% of the modification cost
(the lower between them)
Primary training for the
Up to 15,000 NIS per
employee, provided that
the employer bears the
cost of 5000 NIS.
U p t o 17, 0 0 0 p e r
employee, provided that
the employer bears the
cost of 3000 NIS
Up to 19,000 NIS per
employee, provided that
the employer bears the
cost of 1000 NIS
Physical modifications,
translation and
services, continuous
accompaniment for
the employee
Up to 60,000 per employee, provided that the employer bears the cost of
5000 NIS.
Request for larger
The center for the integration of people with disabilities in the labor market established
recommendations for changing the regulation, by means of a professional committee.
These recommendations are now at the phase of final approval towards their submission
to the Knesset committee of labor and welfare. It is advisable to track the website of the
center for the integration of people with disabilities for the progress of these procedures:
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