OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 31

Occupational Safety and Hygiene for Disabled Employees
3. The employer is not a public body (as defined in the regulations) and not a sheltered
4. There are employee - employer relations between the employer and the worker for
whom this modification is requested.
Who may submit a request for state participation in funding
The request may be submitted by the employer. However, it is obvious that the employee
should be acquainted with the essence of these modifications, so that he can introduce
them to the employer, who may initiate this process.
Workplace modification types for which it is possible to apply for
state participation in their funding:
Modification of the job requirements, working hours, acceptance tests, training and
work procedures.
For example, the state participates in funding of costs of training, accompaniment
and guidance of disabled employees beyond the costs required for employees without
disabilities, and funding of additional costs due to specific acceptance tests for disabled
Training services for the employer of a disabled employee or anyone on his behalf, by a
professional functionary in the field of the specific disability. If necessary, this training
may also be performed in the presence of the employee;
Translation and transcription required for the employee with hearing disability;
Physical modification of land, instruments, equipment, computerization means, etc.
For example: Land - building modification: installing a lift, making toilettes accessible,
access routes, ramp, etc. For example: Instruments and equipment: Modification of
the work station that may include equipment, instruments, aids and devices like an
auxiliary lever for lifting loads in the work station of the disabled employee, which is
not required for the employee without disabilities.
Replacement, improvement or upgrading of present modification;
Retroactive modification. Employers who implemented modifications for disabled employees
in the past, provided that the modification was made no more than 18 month before
submitting the funding participation request.
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