OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 37

Occupational Safety and Hygiene for Disabled Employees
that allows him to live his life with maximum independence, privacy and dignity, while
fulfilling his full capabilities. To make decisions regarding his life as he see fits, and all with
accordance to all laws.
The equality law sees the mechanism of positive discrimination a legitimate mean for
promoting these principles. As aforesaid, the law specifically sets the right of disabled people
to equality in employment, the right to suitable representation and the right to public transport
accessibility. Within the field of employment the law provides the commissionthe authority
to file lawsuits for breaching of this law, with regards to discrimination of disabled people.
The second amendment to the Equality Law from 2005 determines the obligation to make
any site and service that is open to public accessible to people with all kinds of disabilities.
This amendment adds the commission rights to investigate, oversee and litigate, with regards
to the accessibility obligation in all public sites and services, and authority to file lawsuits
for discrimination in entrance to public place or in receiving of service.
Following the legislation of the equality law a set of laws we accepted, which are also based
on the principles of equality and human dignity, among them: Rehabilitation of the Mentally
Disabled in the Community Law, which was accepted in 2000 and establish the right of
person with mental disability for a package of rehabilitation in the community services,
and an amendment to the Welfare law which was accepted in 2002 and determines that
when deciding the type of protected tenancy for a person with mental disability, priority
will be given to accommodation within the community. That year also saw the acceptance
of the extented amendment to the special education, called “the Integration Law”, which
determines a set of services which is designed to enable the integration of disabled pupils
within the regular education system. In August 2009, amendment 109 of the Social Security
Law, also known as “Laron Law”, purpose of which is to encourage the integration of disabled
people in the open labor market, became valid. These laws and others which are related to
the rights of disabled people are shown in the frame of Appendix D below.
An additional significant step towards the acknowledgement in the right for equality of
disabled people was made in March 2007, when the state of Israel signed the UN Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which defines the right of any person to equality in
the variety of life areas. The commission took the responsibility to operate for the realization
and implementation of the convention in Israel.
The commission continues to promote of different legislation procedures and their
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