OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 23

Occupational Safety and Hygiene for Disabled Employees
Job safety analysis (JSA) for the disabled employee
The job safety analysis of an activity is aimed at deciding whether there are problems in the
work station that may harm the worker, and if they are handled in a satisfactory way. The
JSA form that fits for job analysis of people with physical, sensory and mental disabilities
appears in appendix D of this chapter.
The work station job safety analysis is conducted in five steps (see also table no. 1):
Step 1:
Define the analyzed activity;
Step 2:
Observe the employee performing that activity, record situations that may cause
him/her damage and what is endangering them (also considering their disability);
Step 3:
Divide the analyzed activity into segments (in the office following the observation);
Step 4:
Review every segment of the job, specify its hazards, whether the employee’s
disability increases the risk and how so (use the instructions in the following page);
Step 5:
Review every found safety and health problem, write a practical recommendation
for reducing the probability that the employee will get hurt, or reduce the damage in case
of an accident.
Table1: Recordofhazardsandevaluationof thesituation inthevariousactivitysegments
for handling
the problem
or reducing
the risk
How does the
contribute or
intensify the risk
Risk level
(L / M /H)*
Description of
the problem
/ scenario /
hazard (and
how the
employee may
get hurt)
The activity
*Low / Medium / High
The JSA form in the Table 1 format fits for conducting a job safety analysis in the plant. As
aforesaid, a more detailed form appears in appendix D of this booklet.
The form in this booklet fits for safety analysis of people with physical, sensory and mental
disabilities. The form especially refers, in a separate page, to the safety analysis of the
mentally disabled employee; A safety analysis for such an employee is also based on talking
with him, according to the form instructions – and if necessary, letting a professional
companion, a social worker or another contact person in the plant to participate in this
conversation. When the mentally disabled employee has a legal guardian appointed to him,
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