OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 21

Occupational Safety and Hygiene for Disabled Employees
Biological risks bacteria, viruses, fungi and animals;
Burnout and stress risks at work.
In workplaces with disabled employees having sight, hearing or mobility disabilities, it is
advisable to include the following factors as well:
Accessibility of the passage between the parking lot or the bus station and the work
Workplace environmental conditions that can make it difficult for or harm the employees
(obstacles, poor lighting, falling objects, noise, etc.);
Risks stemming from the employees’ disabilities when they should work alone in the
work station or in the room;
Unique risks for disabled employees responding to an emergency (situations of escape,
evacuation, etc.);
Modification of the toilette, kitchen, dining room etc. to fit the disabled employees;
Risks stemming from the disabled people’s supporting aids, such as canes, walkers,
wheel chairs, motored chairs, crutches, etc.
Instructions for the risk survey operator: Do’s and Don’ts
The risk survey must be updated and it is necessary to take into consideration reasonable
modification options.
These instructions may assist you when:
You have not performed present risk examinations;
A work candidate or an employee stated having disabilities or chronic health problems.
Let the disabled employee or candidate be involved; Evaluate their insights and skills in
order to find the best solution for them;
Check if the disability may affect the safety and health, and if so, to what extent. In other
words: it is advisable to conduct the risk survey together with the disabled employees
in order to deeply understand the impact of that disability, and what changes can be
made in order to hire them or continue their employment;
It is necessary to take into consideration the changes that have already been made, so
that the conclusions will be based on remaining risks (if these still exist);
Make changes in the workplace in order to prevent the possibility of risks. Again, it is
necessary to let the employee be involved in the process before implementing any changes;
Be sensitive: Avoid delaying the changes. If you wait for a grant from the state, it is
advisable to perform temporary changes until the funding is received;
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